I am so happy and grateful
to serve the most amazing clients and my
wonderful HSP community.

Some names are abbreviated
to protect clients privacy.


For much of my career, I have been fortunate to have some amazing coaches, mentors, and sponsors so I know the value. By early spring this year, I knew I needed to find a coach for this next stage of my journey. The universe showed up when I met Jole as part of The Change Leaders’ community of practice that I belong to. As a knowledge based professional, I spend much of my time in my head. I realised that I needed to get into and better connected more with my body. In particular, I am exploring my energy; my relationship with and to it and its role in my interpersonal interactions – virtual and face to face. This is the work I am doing with Jole with strong results.

Rebecca Hill, Principal Consultant, Wise Sherpa


I am writing to you about a patient of mine whom you are treating very successfully and whom I hardly recognize (in the most positive sense). I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for the great therapy which, after years of martyrdom, now seems to have led the patient to lead a completely different (and more positive) life – simply amazing. THANK YOU.

J.Graf v. Königsmarck, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, Germany


Jole guides you in a gentle way and she creates a very safe space. She adapted the visualisations to me and the fact that I am more kinesthetic than visual. Jole nurtured my HSP, by using many tools in addition to Embodied Processing which made me feel accepted and cared for as a whole. I have benefited greatly from the sessions!

Gaelle Penhallow, Creative Arts Therapist, UK


Absolutely transformative insights on embracing sensitivity as a leadership strength!

Arif Iqball, Executive Coach, MBA Professor, Kyoto 


Congratulation on your podcast launch! As a “sensitive”I am so grateful to see someone tell these stories.

Chris Hare, CEO Narrative Advisor


Jole podcast is brilliant. Her work has an impact beyond what most may imagine. She helps highly-sensitives to reframe their inner narrative so they live the life and success they’re supposed to live. Check it out!

Guillaume Wiatr, CEO Metahelm, Change Leader, Seatlle, USA


I’ve always been a very sensitive person. A few years ago the world became too much for me and I couldn’t deal with noises, crowds and places with intense energy. I always felt like something was wrong with me. People thought I was picky and complicated. The first time I heard the term HSP was through Jole, and that being a sensitive is a way of being rather than a problem. It was amazing to realise that I could find ways to have a good life. The work she does helps individuals like me to protect our energy , to value who we are and thrive. To understand how important we are to society. In such an intense and overstimulated world her work is more than necessary. Thank you Jole


I have learned so much from you! Your ability to empathise with your patients and to work therapeutically in a multifaceted and tailor-made way is just amazing. What particularly touched me: I came to you as a client with a specific problem that I wanted to get rid of, and you encouraged me not only to use my creativity as a tool to solve my problem, but to embrace it as an important part of my personality!

S. F.,Münster, Münster Germany